Organic fi eld-effect transistors (OFETs) have attracted considerable interest because of their potential applications in many fi elds. [1][2][3] A large amount of research has shown that the charge carrier transport in OFETs is extremely dependent on the properties of the interface between the dielectric and semiconductor layers. [ 4 , 5 ] Thus, a clear understanding of the nature of the interfacial effects between the semiconductor and dielectric in OFETs is crucial for fabricating high performance OFETs. To date, although the interfacial effects between the dielectric and semiconductor have been widely studied, [6][7][8][9][10] unfortunately, the conclusions in the published results are often inconsistent or even contradict each other, and the experimental differences in the literature aggravates the confusion concerning the nature of interfacial effects. In previous literature, the interfacial effects have usually been investigated and described with a traditional 'statistic-average' method, which implicitly assumes either that the whole interface has a homogeneity of interfacial states, or that any heterogeneity in interfacial states has no impact on OFET performance. [6][7][8][9][10] However, it has been shown recently that the performance of an OFET is highly sensitive to the presence of heterogeneities in interfacial states, while little dependence on variations in the 'statistical-average' properties has been observed. [11][12][13][14][15] Thus, the neglect of interfacial heterogeneity is a possible source of the inconsistencies and contradictions between previously published results, and a detailed understanding of the interfacial effects induced by the heterogeneous nature of the interface between the dielectric and semiconductor is of great importance in terms of both fundamental science as well as practical applications.The surface energy of the dielectric is one of the interfacial factors that has been considered to have a large impact on the performance of OFETs and has been extensively studied. [16][17][18] In previous literature, the surface energy is usually calculated by measurements of contact angles at different points on the surface. [6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] However contact angle measurements is a 'statistic-average' method that can only indicate differences at a millimeter level, and obviously cannot describe whether or not the interfacial state is homogeneous on the nanometer scale. [16][17][18][19][20][21][22][23] The latter is crucial, because the surface energy of the dielectric mainly infl uences the performances of OFETs at the interface on just such a nanometer scale. [ 6-15 , 19 ] Therefore, the neglect of any such heterogeneity on the nanometer scale may be the source of the inconsistencies and contradictions between previously published results. In this paper, the relation between heterogeneous surface energy and performances of OFETs has been investigated. It is found that the interfacial heterogeneity of the surface energy has a high...