This paper has been retracted by the Editorial Committee of Mater. Trans. due to substantial overlap with the following paper previously published in another journal.Int J Adv Manuf Technol (2015) 79:255-263 Evaluation of rheological behavior and interfacial friction under the adhesive condition by upsetting method W.Q. Li Q.X. Ma (Received April 14, 2014; Accepted January 14, 2015; Published February 3, 2015) And thus, it shall not be regarded as an original paper.Materials Transactions, Vol. 58, No. 7 (2017) For improving the precision of numerical simulations in metal forming, it is critical to accurately evaluate the interfacial friction between die/specimen and material deformed behavior. However, there is a huge challenge to assess interfacial friction and material deformed behavior due to the complex mechanisms of tribology at the interfaces. In this study, a program of experimental work directed by ring upsetting has been carried out to evaluate interfacial friction and material deformed behavior on account of the speci c adhesive friction state. The behavior of adhesive friction was qualitatively identi ed with characterized phenomenon and quantitatively identi ed with friction coef cient, which was obtained by taking advantage of Boltzmann distribution characteristics between the radial velocity eld and the relative displacements relevant to metal particles on the meridian plane. Furthermore, simple mathematics methods were applied to analyze inverse owing behavior under the condition of adhesive friction based on the transients displacement achieved by ring upsetting. And the driven mechanism of inverse owing behavior was also revealed systematically. Finally, a new theory of bi-directionality theory was proposed to illustrate inverse owing behavior, and the sustainability of adhesive friction was synthetically analyzed.