Background: Probiotics are live micro-organisms, which if given in the right doses, can be beneficial to their host. They are known for their ability to promote the growth of other micro-organisms and to increase the activity of bacteria in the intestinal microflora. Supplementing infants with probiotics was shown to regulate gastrointestinal motility. They can stimulate intestinal peristalsis, which promotes elimination of bilirubin. Probiotics have been shown to increase intestinal transit time.Methods: This study was conducted in Shri Guru Ram Das Institute of Health Sciences and Research involving 150 term healthy newborns. They were divided into two groups. Group 1 was given probiotics with 10ml distilled water and group 2 was given only 10ml distilled water from 1st to 3rd day of life. Total number of stools passed in a day were recorded from 1st to 7th day of life in both the groups.Results: The mean frequency of stools were 3.76±1.08, 3.72±0.95, 4.02±0.92 in group 1 whereas the mean frequency of stools were 3.31±1.10, 3.39±0.98, 3.45±0.99 on 1st, 2nd, 3rd day of life respectively.Conclusions: Statistically significant increase in frequency of stools were observed in group 1(probiotic group) than group 2 (only distilled water group) on 1st to 3rd day of life.