The standard scheme of identification in mixtures of components with unknown structure on the basis of 13 C NMR data uses the only structure dependent parameter, the chemical shift (δ) of an NMR signal. The scheme includes the following sequence of oper ations. By spectral editing techniques (APT, DEPT, etc.), resonances are attributed to the СН 3 , СН 2 , or CH groups. Possible attribution of the signals and, hence, the structure of the molecule are hypothesized on the basis of published data, results of calculations of chemical shifts by additive schemes (e.g., such as described in [1, 2]), and a priori considerations. Finally, the structure is established by adding model compounds to the fraction and comparing the spectra before and after their admixture. However, it was shown [3][4][5] that the coefficients for the following equation are also characteristic quantities for each sig nal i:they define the dependence of chemical shifts on both the recording temperature and the concentration of the fraction in solution or, more exactly, on their effec tive values (T eff , C eff ). It was shown that the use of this set of numerical characteristics of each signal can sig nificantly extend the opportunities for finding new groups of saturated cyclic compounds in crude oils by 13 C NMR spectroscopy, making it unnecessary to syn thesize model compounds in certain cases [5]. In this paper, we demonstrate the effectiveness and simplicity of this method as applied to searching for alkyl struc tures that have not been previously identified in crude oils and DOM.
EXPERIMENTALThe 13 C NMR spectra of fractions in deuterated chloroform (100.6 MHz) with broadband (BB) proton decoupling were recorded on a Bruker DRX 400 spec trometer (Germany) without sample spinning in the same modes (1 and 2) as in [5]. Chemical shifts, in accordance with [3], were counted from the signal of the terminal methyl group of n alkyl moieties, assum ing it to be δ = 14.070 ppm for all recording tempera tures (Т rec ) and concentrations (С) of solutions. To iso late the subspectra of СН 2 and CH + СН 3 groups, a pair of spectra was used: one was with the standard APT pulse width sequence and the other was the "pseudo BB" spectrum with the same wait times and the scanning pulsewidth as those of the first spectrum. Previously, it was shown with the use of model com pounds and specially selected fractions that there is no distortion of the relative integral intensities of signals within the range of each subspectrum (obtained by addition and subtraction of the induced signal decays for these pairs). The relative overlap of subspectra (e.g., the residual intensity of the resonances of CH groups in the subspectrum of СН 2 groups) was less than 1 rel. %.Saturated hydrocarbon (paraffin-cycloparaffin, PCP) fractions were obtained by column chromatog raphy (sorbent, Silperl 40/100 silica gel; eluent, n Abstract-A group of saturated nonisoprenane dimethyl branched, alkyl substituted hydrocarbons of the R CCCCCC(C)CCC(C)CCCCC R' type has been found for the fir...