Cabbage (Brnssicaolermm L.) has few herbicides registcred for postemergencc weed control. A relatively new herhicidc which has selcctivc postemergence potential for use in cabbage is sulfentrazone. Sull'cntrazone was applied postcmergence to 2-4 leaf stage cabbagc at 23,46,93, 140, and 187 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha-'. Rates o f 23,46, and 93 g a.i. ha-' were also applied as a split application. The initial application occurrcd at the 2-4 leaf stage of growth and the second, at ' thc 6-8 leaf growth stage. Crop injury and leal'discoloration were minimal at 3 days after treatment (DAT). However, injury was substantial at 28 DAT with thc 93, 140, and 187 g a.i. ha-l rate, and with all the split applications in both years o f the study. Palmer amamnth (Atnorutzrhus prrltneri) and yellowtop (Verbitisitia eticeluloides) were cffcctively controlled with all sulfentrazone dosagc levels when applied postemergence to cabbage, excepl at thc lowest rate of23 g a.i. ha-'. Leaf yellowing and crop st~~nting occurred with the higher rates of sull'entrazone (140 and 187 g a.i. ha-') as well as with somc of the split applications. The cabbage head (corc growing point length) was reduced with 187 g a.i. ha-l sulfcntrazone only in 1999. Height ofcahbage hcads, circumference, and head wcight were reduced by 187 g a.i. ha-' i n 1999. When sull'entrazone was applied postemergcnce to cabbage at dosage levels o f 2 3 to 93 g a.i. ha-' crop injury, stunting, yellowing, or cabbage size or weight were not advcrscly impacted. Dosages o f 46 and 93 g a.i. ha-I of sulfen~razone effectively controlled yellowtop and Palmer amaranth which currently arc not effectively controlled by any othcr rcgis~ered J. R. Srnart and D. Makus are al'liliarcd with the United Slalcs Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Rescarch Service, 2413 Edst Highway, 83 Weslaco, TX 78596. L. Brandenberger i s al'liliatctl with Texas Agriculu~ral Extension Service, Wcslaco, TX 78596. herbicide. At dosagcs of46 and 93 g a.i. ha-' sulfentrazoneeffectively controlled weeds and had no adverse effect on cahhage size or quality. [Ar-ticle col~ies a~~nilrrble ,for cr fee fio111 Tlre I-lrrwortli Docrrmerrt deliver^ Service: 1-800-342-9675. E-nmil crdrlress: Website: