Creep-rupture tests were made on circumferentially notched Ti-8Al-IMo-IV specimens at temp eratures of 600 , 800, 1000, and 1200 of (588, 699, 811, and 921 K) with stresses to produce rupture times ranging from 1 min to several thousand hours. A comp rehensive study was made to determine th e effe cts of notch geometry (an gle, depth, root radius ) on creep, rupture , and ductility characteristics of the alloy. Althou gh a limited first sta ge and well-defin ed second and third stages of creep were observed, neither rupture tim es nor reduction of area values were predictabl e from exte nsion-time behavior. Rupture tim e and ductility appea red to be affected more by the initial root radius at the ba se of th e notch than by notch depth. Diffe rences in mechanical behavi or between specimens of diffe rent notch geom etries were less as th e temperature was increased or th e stress decreased. A li mited number of tests indi cated that prior strain history had a ma rked effec t on subsequ ent creep-rupture behavior at 1000 of.Relative amounts of alpha and beta constituents, th e number of observed internal c racks, and the mode of fracture were affected by notch geometry and test temperatures.