DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.07.017
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Effect of temperature of Li2O–Al2O3–TiO2–P2O5 solid-state electrolyte coating process on the performance of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials

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Cited by 71 publications
(44 citation statements)
References 46 publications
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“…[72,73] To obtain pure phase and high ion conduction, these synthetic parameters (precursors, solvents, and temperatures) need to be well controlled. [69] The Pechinip rocess, am odified sol-gel method, is defined by the introduction of an alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid, such as citric acid, to the mixed precursors in aqueouss olution, [75][76][77][78] which results in chelationo ft he solution, that is, al arge and cross-linked network is formed. [72] JimØneze tal.…”
Section: Sol-gel Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…[72,73] To obtain pure phase and high ion conduction, these synthetic parameters (precursors, solvents, and temperatures) need to be well controlled. [69] The Pechinip rocess, am odified sol-gel method, is defined by the introduction of an alpha-hydroxycarboxylic acid, such as citric acid, to the mixed precursors in aqueouss olution, [75][76][77][78] which results in chelationo ft he solution, that is, al arge and cross-linked network is formed. [72] JimØneze tal.…”
Section: Sol-gel Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The sol-gel methodo ffers an efficient synthetic path for crystalline LATP and LAGP solid electrolytes by using as olvent intermediate step to form acolloidal solution and then agel network, followed by heat treatmentf or crystallization ( Figure 2). [69][70][71][72][73][74][75][76][77][78] With the sol-gel method, it is possible to obtainp ure materials at lower heat-treatment temperatures and shorter times relative to those of solid-states ynthesis and the melt-quenching method. In addition, the sol-gel method Figure 1.…”
Section: Sol-gel Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…12 Nevertheless, unfortunately, the cycle life of both spinel electrodes is poor and there is intense research underway to increase cycling performance. 4,[11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18] The main challenges in this research are the stability of conventional organic carbonate-based electrolytes (< 4.3 V vs. Li) [19][20][21][22][23][24] at the required high voltage and the electrochemical two-phase behavior of the electrode. 9,10,25 The high voltage deterioration of the electrolyte induces the formation of a solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer with low lithium conductivity at the electrode surface that hinders rate capability 5,26 as well as causing the formation of HF, which corrodes the electrode and accelerates the dissolution of Mn into the electrolyte via disproportionation reactions.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…This can lead to a considerable thickening of the protective solidelectrolyte interphase (SEI) layer passivating on the surface, which is harmful to lithium-ion diffusion [10]. Cations and/or anions doping is considered as an effective way to enhance the performance of LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4 .…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Compared to the non-spherical LiNi 0.5 Mn 1.5 O 4[6,10], the spherical particles have a better rate, mainly resulting from the special structure with porous surface and hollow inside[42e45]. The electrochemical performance of the samples is more superior than that of the cathode materials reported in other previous work [46e50].…”
confidence: 99%