Most microorganisms isolated from low-temperature environments (below 4°C) are eury-, not steno-, psychrophiles. While psychrophiles maximize or maintain growth yield at low temperatures to compensate for low growth rate, the mechanisms involved remain unknown, as does the strategy used by eurypsychrophiles to survive wide ranges of temperatures that include subzero temperatures. Our studies involve the eurypsychrophilic bacterium Psychrobacter cryopegella, which was isolated from a briny water lens within Siberian permafrost, where the temperature is ؊12°C. P. cryopegella is capable of reproducing from ؊10 to 28°C, with its maximum growth rate at 22°C. We examined the temperature dependence of growth rate, growth yield, and macromolecular (DNA, RNA, and protein) synthesis rates for P. cryopegella. Below 22°C, the growth of P. cryopegella was separated into two domains at the critical temperature (T critical ؍ 4°C). RNA, protein, and DNA synthesis rates decreased exponentially with decreasing temperatures. Only the temperature dependence of the DNA synthesis rate changed at T critical . When normalized to growth rate, RNA and protein synthesis reached a minimum at T critical , while DNA synthesis remained constant over the entire temperature range. Growth yield peaked at about T critical and declined rapidly as temperature decreased further. Similar to some stenopsychrophiles, P. cryopegella maximized growth yield at low temperatures and did so by streamlining growth processes at T critical . Identifying the specific processes which result in T critical will be vital to understanding both low-temperature growth and growth over a wide range of temperatures.Evolutionary adaptation to low-or high-temperature conditions often leads to the commitment to exist only in those conditions (28). However, eurythermal organisms tolerate and grow at a wide range of temperatures while stenothermal organisms are restricted to a narrow range (3). Hence, a eurypsychrophilic bacterium would be capable of growing over a wide range of low temperatures, from Ϫ10 to 0°C at the lower limit to 20 to 30°C at the upper limit. One such eurypsychrophilic bacterium is Psychrobacter cryopegella, isolated from a low-temperature (Ϫ12°C), saltwater lens in Siberian permafrost (4). This bacterium displays its maximum growth rate (i.e., has an optimal growth temperature [T opt ]) at 22°C yet is able to reproduce at temperatures as low as Ϫ10°C and as high as 30°C.Of major concern to organisms living over a wide range of temperatures is the fact that reaction rates decrease exponentially as temperature decreases. This also holds for bacterial growth rates (essentially a collection of chemical reactions). However, when bacterial growth rate () is examined on an Arrhenius plot (log versus 1/T), two linear domains often appear below T opt . The point at which the slope changes is designated the critical temperature (T critical ). The existence of T critical has been reported for eurypsychrophiles, mesophiles, and thermophiles (5,6,9,12,13,15,22,35)....