ABSTRACr The temperature dependence of ATP-enhanced RNA delivery from rat liver nuclei to a surrogate cytoplasm was investigated. Examination of linear-rate data on Arrhenius graphs of l/T vs. log (% RNA delivered per min) revealed an activation energy of 12.5-13 kcal/mol. When data derived from longer incubation periods was displayed on Arrhenius graphs, we observed a discontinuous graph-two distinct linear segments with slopes of differing sign which intersected near 20°C. It was demonstrated that this discontinuity was not due to lipid phase transition in the nuclear membranes and that its position depended upon treatment of the nuclei and upon additives to the incubation mixtures. The decline in transport apparent in the upper-temperature domain on 20-min Arrhenius graphs was shown to be based on the diffusion of transported macromolecular RNA back into the nucleus-a process greatly amplified by the rapidity of transport in this domain. The large net inward diffusion, in concert with significantly differing activation energies for RNA transport and passive diffusion, suggests that the process of nucleocytoplasmic RNA transport is not diffusion driven. Our data have established that an integral parameter of RNA transport (namely, the activation energy) remains unchanged in various in vitro manipulations.Numerous in vitro assay systems for the nuclear transport of RNA have been reported. Schneider's (1) model demonstrated the effects of nucleotides on the rate of RNA release. Many other investigators (2-12) have employed variant systems to define the effects of added factors-e.g., cell-sap components (7, 9), chelating agents (10, 12), detergents (7), and metabolic inhibitors (1, 12)-on both the rate of RNA transport and the properties of the released material (2, 3). Although the influence of added nucleoside triphosphates upon the RNA transport rate has been confirmed (2)(3)(4)(5)8) KCl, MgCl2, mercaptoethanol). This suspension was laid over a "cushion" of 2.3 M sucrose buffer and centrifuged in an SW27 rotor at 95,000 X g for 75 min at SOC (13). Nuclei were recovered after passage through the 2.3 M sucrose buffer, resuspension in 0.88 M RNase-free sucrose (pH 7.6) containing 50mM 5 mM MgCl2, and 25 mM KC1, and dilution to a protein concentration of 7.4 mg/ml. To isolate detergent-treated nuclei, we added a solution of Triton X-100 (Packard Instruments) and Nonidet P-40 (Shell Oil) (final concentrations, both 0.5%) to the nuclear suspension; the material was mixed thoroughly with a Vortex mixer. The nuclei were resedimented at 600 X g for 10 min at 0C. The nuclei were again resuspended to the original volume in 0.88 M sucrose buffer.Preparation of Cell Sap. Cell sap was prepared as the 105,000 X g-supernatant fraction of the liver homogenate which was dialyzed against 0.88 M sucrose buffer overnight before use. Cell sap preparations were used fresh at final concentrations of 8-10 mg of protein per ml.RNA Release Assay. Nuclei at a final protein concentration of 3.7 mg/ml were incubated with 0.88 M sucrose ...