(Wijshoff 2010). The solvents carry the pigment particles to the medium and evaporate, solidify or crystallize, while the surfactants prevent wetting of the nozzle plate and promote spreading of the droplet after it impacts the underlying medium. In order to accurately control the droplet formation process, its in-flight dynamics, and subsequent interaction with the substrate, it is key to quantify the liquid properties of the droplet during the entire inkjet-printing process.The surface tension of a surfactant solution is determined by the concentration of adsorbed surfactant molecules at the liquid-air interface. When a fresh interface is formed, the surface tension equals that of the solvent (Ohl et al. 2003) and it decreases while surfactants adsorb at the interface, until reaching an equilibrium surfactant concentration. The associated timescales of the adsorption process are governed by the diffusion time of the surfactant molecules to diffuse from the so-called adsorption depth h to the interface (Ferri and Stebe 2000). This depth depends on the bulk surfactant concentration, the critical micelle concentration and the surface concentration of surfactants at equilibrium surface tension (Ferri and Stebe 2000). The typical diffusion time then scales with the surfactant diffusion coefficient D as τ D ∼ h 2 /D and ranges from milliseconds to days, depending on the surfactant type and surfactant concentration (Chang and Franses 1995;Eastoe and Dalton 2000). As the surfactants in inkjet printing must act before the ink dries, it is required that they adsorb as fast as possible. Droplet formation, however, is an extremely fast process that takes in the order of 10 µs, which is shorter than the approximately 100 µs that a droplet is typically in flight and much shorter than the time a droplet needs to evaporate, which is several seconds (Staat et al. 2016). A surfactant with a typical adsorption time scale of the order of milliseconds is considered a fast-adsorbing surfactant Abstract In modern drop-on-demand inkjet printing, the jetted droplets contain a mixture of solvents, pigments and surfactants. In order to accurately control the droplet formation process, its in-flight dynamics, and deposition characteristics upon impact at the underlying substrate, it is key to quantify the instantaneous liquid properties of the droplets during the entire inkjet-printing process. An analysis of shape oscillation dynamics is known to give direct information of the local liquid properties of millimeter-sized droplets and bubbles. Here, we apply this technique to measure the surface tension and viscosity of micrometer-sized inkjet droplets in flight by recording the droplet shape oscillations microseconds after pinch-off from the nozzle. From the damped oscillation amplitude and frequency we deduce the viscosity and surface tension, respectively. With this ultrafast imaging method, we study the role of surfactants in freshly made inkjet droplets in flight and compare to complementary techniques for dynamic surface tension me...