This work covers the fabrication and investigation of the mechanical behaviour of a glass-fibre-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite embedded with a stainless-steel wire mesh (SSWM) layer. This work takes the hybridising approach in improving the mechanical properties of GFRP through the incorporation of SSWM into the laminates. The structure of the composite is such that the SSWM was placed in the top, middle and bottom of the GFRP. The laminates are fabricated using the hand-layup method with a 40 % weight fractions of epoxy resin, 50 % weight fractions of woven glass fibre and the remainder being SSWM. The mechanical characteristics of the composites are obtained using tensile, flexural, inter delamination and drop weight impact tests. In addition to that, a morphological investigation is made utilizing a scanning electron microscope (SEM). The test outcome demonstrates that the introduction of SSWM leads to far better mechanical properties than GFRP and SSWM in the middle layer has a superior strength compared to other laminates. Keywords: glass fibre reinforced polymer, stainless-steel wire mesh, mechanical tests, ultimate strength, SEM Delo obravnava izdelavo in preiskavo mehanskih lastnosti polimera, oja~anega s steklenimi vlakni (angl. GFRP) v katerem je vgrajena ploskovna`i~na mre`a iz nerjavnega jekla (angl. SSWM). To delo predstavlja hibridiziran pribli`ek za izbolj{anje mehanskih lastnosti GFRP z vgraditvijo SSWM v laminate. Kompozit je sestavljen tako, da je bila SSWM name{~ena zgoraj, v sredini in spodaj. Laminati so izdelani z ro~nim polaganjem 40 masnimi % epoksi smole, 50 masnimi % tkanine iz steklenih vlaken, ostalo pa je SSWM. Mehanske lastnosti kompozitov so dolo~ene z nateznim in z upogibnim preizkusom, z razslojevanjem in z udarno`ilavostjo. Dodatno k temu je izvedena tudi morfolo{ka preiskava s pomo~jo vrsti~nega elektronskega mikroskopa (SEM). Rezultati preizkusov ka`ejo, da vstavitev SSWM bolj izbolj{a mehanske lastnosti kot GFRP, SSWM v sredini pa izbolj{a trdnost v primerjavi z ostalimi laminati. Klju~ne besede: steklena vlakna, jeklo oja~ano s polimeri, ploskovna`i~na mre`a iz nerjavnega jekla, mehanski preizkusi, natezna trdnost, SEM