Abstract.[Purpose] The purpose of this study was to examine the center of pressure (COP) trajectory variables while initiating gait under three different ankle support conditions: no external ankle support, ankle taping, and the use of a lace-up ankle brace.[Subjects] The study subjects were 7 healthy males (mean [SD] [Methods] Subjects stood in a predetermined position on the floor in front of a force platform and then initiated gait on the force platform at a self-paced speed under the conditions of no external ankle support, ankle taping, and lace-up ankle brace. Changes in the COP trajectories were compared among the three test conditions using one-way repeated analysis of variance.[Results] The ankle external support devices, ankle taping and the lace-up ankle brace, significantly decreased the COP displacement in the mediolateral direction as compared to the no external support condition. However, there were no significant differences in the COP displacement in the anteroposterior direction, the average COP velocity, and the total length of the COP path among the three test conditions. [Conclusion] Intervention using a prophylactic ankle support device appears to be an effective means of reducing injuries because it provides increased mechanical stability.