Motivated by the constrained many-body dynamics, the stability of the localization-delocalization properties to the inclusion of the soft constraints is addressed in random matrix models. These constraints are modeled by correlations in long-ranged hopping with Pearson correlation coefficient different from zero or unity. Counterintuitive robustness of delocalized phases, both ergodic and (multi)fractal, in these models is numerically observed and confirmed by the analytical calculations. First, matrix inversion trick is used to uncover the origin of such robustness. Next, to characterize delocalized phases a method of eigenstate calculation, sensitive to correlations in long-ranged hopping terms, is developed for random matrix models and approved by numerical calculations and previous analytical ansatz. The effect of the robustness of states in the bulk of the spectrum the inclusion of to soft constraints is generally discussed for single-particle and many-body systems.