A decrease in cholesteryl ester transfer protein (CETP) leads to increased high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels and lipoprotein particle size, which may provide significant cardiovascular protection. 1 Earlier work by our group has shown that homozygosity for a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), resulting in substitution of valine (V) for isoleucine (I) at codon 405 in the CETP gene, is overrepresented in centenarians. 2 Therefore, this finding, validated in an independent study, 3 suggests that this mutation may contribute to healthy aging by protection from several age-related diseases. 4 Individuals homozygous for this SNP have decreased CETP levels, increased HDL cholesterol levels, and increased lipoprotein particle sizes. Homozygosity for this SNP is seen significantly more often in the offspring of parents with exceptional longevity than in the offspring of parents with shorter life spans. 2 CONCluSION: Reduced levels of CETP are associated with lower, not higher, blood pressure. The adverse results with torcetrapib, if mediated through blood pressure, are likely to represent effects of this specific drug, rather than a result of lower CETP levels.Mayo Clin Proc. 2010;85(6):522-526 CETP = cholesteryl ester transfer protein; CI = confidence interval; HDL = high-density lipoprotein; LDL = low-density lipoprotein; SNP = single nucleo tide polymorphism different genotypes, and decreased risk of coronary artery disease. 5 These observations suggest that interventions that reduce CETP levels might promote cardiovascular health and contribute to longevity. Despite the potential cardiovascular benefits of lower CETP levels, a phase 3 trial of torcetrapib, a CETP inhibitor, was terminated early because of increased risk of death due to cardiovascular disease in the active treatment group. 6 Torcetrapib has been associated with increased blood pressure, 7 which is suspected of contributing to the observed increase in mortality. Other investigators have called for investigation of the connection between low CETP levels and blood pressure. 8 To examine whether naturally occurring CETP polymorphism, decreased CETP levels, increased HDL cholesterol levels, and increased lipoprotein particle sizes are associated with increased blood pressure, we analyzed data from our cohorts of older adults. We reasoned that if blood pressure is independent of spontaneous CETP levels, the problems found in the torcetrapib trial may be specific collateral effects of that drug and not generalizable to its pharmacological class. However, if reduction in CETP levels, due to genetic or other causes, is associated with increased blood pressure, beneficial effects of low CETP levels may apply only to those who have lived to old age or it may be that resulting higher blood pressure levels are tolerated because of other beneficial effects.
PaTIENTS aND METHoDSRecruitment for the Searching for Longevity Genes in the Historically Unique Ashkenazi Jewish Population study has been described in detail. 2 Briefly, Ashkenazi Jews l...