A simple optical fibre biosensor based on immobilised enzyme for monitoring of trace heavy metal ions has been developed. The biosensor recognition system was designed based on the inhibition of urease activity, where the urease is immobilised on ultrabind membrane. The studies of inhibition by the heavy metal ions Hg(II), Ag(I), Cu(II), Ni(II), Zn(II), Co(II) and Pb(II) were performed using a fibre-optic biosensor configuration, where the pH change resulting from the bio-catalytic hydrolysis of urea was monitored at the wavelength 615 nm spectroscopically, using commercial pH indicator strip before and after the exposure to the heavy metal ions. The immobilised urease was regenerated by l-cysteine. The linear response range between 1 x 10(-9)-1 x 10(-5) M and the limit of detection 1 x 10(-9 )M (0.2 microg/L) for Hg(II) ions was achieved by employing the flow method. The optimisation of experimental parameters, including flow method, is also discussed.