High Concentrator Photovoltaic (HCPV) units are typically based on the use of Fresnel lenses, refractive secondary optical elements (SOE), and triple-junction (TJ) solar cells. In this work, a detailed optical modeling is applied to analyze the performance of four Fresnel-based HCPV units equipped with different refractive SOEs while considering the subcells current density generation. Wavelength-dependent material properties are utilized while simulating the optical performance. The spectral response of a typical TJ solar cell is also included. This modeling allows to establish the subcell current limitation and the spectral matching ratio, SMR, values in each case. The following SOEs have been used for simulating the HCPV units: (i) Dielectric-cross compound-parabolic-concentrator (DCCPC), (ii) (SIngle-Lens-Optical element) SILO-Pyramid, (iii) Refractive truncated pyramid (RTP) and, (iv) Trumpet. Results show that the HCPV units with SOEs RTP and Trumpet, exhibit bottom subcell current limitation and lowest optical polychromatic efficiency, this is partly due to the irradiance absorption in the bottom cell spectral region and longer optical path length of the concentrated rays within the SOE material. In the case of the HCPV unit with the DCCPC SOE, top and bottom subcells limit the current generation alternatively depending on the misalignment angle of the HCPV unit respect to the simulated sunrays. None of the SMR parameters are equal to 1 under normal alignment of the HCPV units. The short-circuit current density distributions for each subcell in each case are studied under normal alignment and under 1°of misalignment angle.