It has been shown by Arquilla, Ooms and Merco1a (1968) that even light iodination of insulin leads to significant changes in the bio10gical, immuno10gica1 and e1ectrophoretic properties of the molecu1e. The presence of degraded insulin (Berson, Ya10w~ Bauman, Rotschild andNewer1y, 1956) and aggregates (Arnou1d, Cantraine, Ooms, De1croix andFranckson, 1967) in iodinated insulin preparations was also noted but their structure not e1ucidated. To this end, insulin was iodinated in quantities sufficient to iso1ate and characterize the by-products of iodination.60-240 mg (10-401.1 M) insulin purified on Sephadex G-50 co1umns to remove proinsulin (Steiner, Hallund, Rubenstein, ChQ and Bayliss, 1968) was reacted with iodine-127 according to the methods of Izzo, Ba1e, Izzo and Roncone (1964) and Rosa, Massaglia, Pennisi, Cozzani and Rossi (1967) to yie1d lightly iodinated preparations. The dia1yz;ed and freeze-dried samp1es were then applied on to Sephadex G-50 co1-umns in 33% acetic acid which prevents the aggregation of insulin (Sluyterman, 1955; Humbe1, 1963).Of the two peaks shown in Fig. 1. ~ the second one e1uted in the usua1 position of insulin and was not distinguishab1e from it on e1ectro-phoresis and oxidative sulfito1ysis. Material iso1ated from the small peak, however, had an increased electrophoretic mobility at pH 8.6 as compared to insulin, characteristic of insulin dimers. Subsequent oxidative sulfitolysis revea1ed spots corresponding to dimer A, dimer Band AB chains on paper electrophoresis (Brandenburgl 1970). Thus the insulin mo1ecu1es of this fraction appear to be cross -linked. In addition, substance from the main peak cou1d be similar1y fractionated into two components on rechromatography in 0.05 N NH4HC03. The first peak,however, was composed of both cross -linked and mere1y aggregated insulin dimers as verified by elution in 33% acetic acid. This finding suggests that the monomer is converted into a cross -linked dimer through an aggregated intermediate. Longer elution time in 0.05 N NH4 HC03 1ed to the emergence of further peaks in front of that of the dimer, comprising both cross -linked and aggregated oligomers of the iodinated insulin. On the other hand, the monomer kept in mild1y acidic solutions at 4 0 C remained stab1e. Thus cross -linking of iodo-insulin seems to be facilitated by an a1kaline pH. The biologica1 activity of cross-linked insulin dimers is more markedly reduced than their immunoreactivity as compared to insulin Rec.:10 J u 1 y 1 9 7 0 Ace.: 2 1 J u 1 y 1 9 7 0 Horm. Metab. Res. 2: 305-306 (1970) 39 Horm. Metab. Res. 2, 70 Downloaded by: University of British Columbia. Copyrighted material.