Soot particles from wood combustion in the rubber-sheet smoking process darkens the dried sheets, affecting their market price unfavorably. A technique to remove a portion of these particles, especially during the first day of drying, was investigated. A wire-cylinder type corona discharge device or electrostatic precipitator (ESP) was employed to remove the soot particles. Results from a laboratory collection performance test using polystyrene latex particles indicated that the ESP was suitable for use at 220 VAC, which is the highest available voltage supply. The field-test results in a model burner indicated that the device could be used for a period of about 10 hours without cleaning and it could still maintain the collection efficiency at a satisfactory level (higher than 40%). The color of the dried rubber sheets obtained from the smoking chamber in which the collecting device was installed was much lighter than that of the rubber sheets dried in normal operation without removing soot particles. This device could be used in a real rubber smoking chamber by installing 12 identical ESP units in the gas inlet to the chamber.Keywords: corona discharge, rubber sheet, particle collection, wire-cylinder, high voltage et al., Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 1-14, 2006 2 Thailand leads the world in natural rubber production and export. Total production in 2004 was 2.9 million metric tons (Thailand Rubber Research Institute, 2005). About 43% was in the form of ribbed smoked sheets (RSS), in which the rubber latex is coagulated, squeezed to form thin sheets, and then dried in a smoking chamber. Energy consumption and quality of the dried sheets are two major concerns in the process. The color of the dried sheet affects the market price considerably because the RSS is graded according to the impurities in the sheet, as well as to the color. Rubber sheets that are exposed to excessive smoke from wood combustion are dark in color and, hence, the value can be downgraded.Currently, manufacturers deal with this problem by discharging a part of the dust-laden gas after combustion to the atmosphere without using it. However, this results in a huge loss of energy. In order to improve the color of the rubber sheets and not to waste energy, a means of reducing soot particles in the gas is needed. The gas does not require a complete cleanup, since soot particles contain phenolic compounds (Simoneit et al., 1993) which hinder the formation of moulds and bacteria, thus preserving shelf life of the rubber sheets. In this study, an appropriate soot-collecting device is designed and tested in both the laboratory and the field.
RUBBER SMOKING CHAMBER AND PARTICLE CHARACTERISTICSMost of the RSS manufacturers in Thailand reside in the south, where production is shifting from large-scale industries to community-level rubber cooperatives. About 500 cooperatives are currently operating throughout the country, each with a capacity to produce about 500-1,000 metric tons per year of ribbed smoked sheets (R...