This thesis is a collection of my research work at the Nanyang Technological University, as well as the dedicated guidance, encouragement, and support from A/Prof. Chen Tu Pei, who has served as my research advisor during the entire course of research. Without his investment of time and energy this research would never reach the fruition. I also deeply appreciate Dr. Lap Chan from Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing for his guidance, suggestions and support throughout my research at NTU and Chartered. I am further indebted to Dr. Ang Chew Hoe for his continuous technical support during all these years. I would like to thank Soon Jiamei, who generously shared her expertise and knowledge in first-principles modeling with me. The award of a research scholarship by the NTU and A-Star is also gratefully acknowledged. Some of my fondest memories at Chartered are of my fellowship with those graduate students in the Special Project group. They have brought insight, intelligence, entertainment, and friendship, which have made my life at, Chartered an unforgettable one. Finally, I would like to express my deeply gratitude to my family especially my parent (Tan Yu long and Yau Chau Hwai) for their love, care, understanding, support and encouragement during all these years. Lastly, I thank my wife, Wendy Lee, without her patience, continuous support and strong belief, all these things would have never been possible.