“…Rotylenchulus reniformis is an obligate, sedentary semi‐endoparasite in which vermiform preadult females penetrate the host root system where they establish a feeding site in the stele (Agudelo, Robbins, Stewart, Bell, & Robinson, ; Koenning et al., ; Robinson, Inserra, Caswell‐Chen, Vovlas, & Troccoli, ). Rotylenchulus reniformis infection of cotton affects production by reducing seed cotton yield, boll size and lint percentage (Cook, Robinson, & Namken, ; Jones, Newsom, & Finley, ). Nematode infection symptoms may not be apparent due to the uniformity of symptoms across the field; however, symptoms can include plant stunting, suppressed root growth, nutritional deficiencies, fruit abortion and delayed maturity (Koenning et al., ).…”