This stud] investigrlJa douJJk.dqfusive eonv«timJ in tJ two-1IJyu, sa/t-strrllified sobIJioll tIesIabIiud by IakmJ Mating tmd eooling. '17N _WtJl1&ngt/I holographic inJnfmJmary mdhod ..... uml to 1IUtJSU1Y the I1'ruIsUnt tmIpmIIlJn, t:fJtI«1ItmIion, tmd dmsity distribuliuns. '17N evolutioll ofthe _1IIyn'ed system can I>t divided into thre« staga. III the first sItJge, the thermD1ly drilJm ctJIJVmive IDyus form rapidly, tmd the uisting diffusiotl /Dyer atfjusD iJsdf into tJ thin i~by C01llJ«tUm motiotI. III the S«tJlId sItJge, a quasi-suadJis tJttainnI. '17N tmIpmIIlJn distribuJUm is 5-Iype tmd the tmIpmIIlJn diJfentlU tJCI'O&Sthe diffusion ngWII d«s not cluJngemueh. '17N colU%lllTalion distribuIion is uniform in the tJIIo fluid /Dyers, buJ the t:fJtI«1ItmIioll tmd dmsity diffumcn tkcmJse IiMtIrly with _ . II'IJm the inJnface becomes vuy thin, UIISIiJbk jingu-l]pe conveetion appears. FinllIIy, the inJnface is ikstroyetl by the boundary /Dyers at the silk wtIJIs in the third sItJge. '17N inJnfaciJJl Nussdt IIIIIIIbu tmd SJwwood IIIIIIIbu an found to with the thnmJJl1lJJy1eigh 1IIIIIIbu, tmd the eJf«t ofthe soIuJDl1lJJytngh IIIIIIIbu _ to I>t Ins signqicant. '17N tIimensiDnJess mixing _ is found to COTTeIate weU with thnmJJl tmd soIuJDl 1lJJy1eigh 1IlUIIbml. IWuI1s from IIIU1IO'icuJ sinrulDlioll an dmaonstraud tmd compand with the apuinlenls.Double-diffusive convection occurs in fluids when the density variation is attributed to two different components of molecular diffusivity, that is, thermal and solutal. Various flow patterns, such as salt finger and diffuse layer structure [ll. are found in the double-diffusive system. They are influenced by the orientations of temperature and concentration gradients, as described by Ostrach [2].Double-diffusive layered systems can be seen in many engineering applications, such as solar ponds, liquefied natural gas (LNG) systems, and some energy storage systems [1,2]. They can also be found in the melts of alloy solidification [3,4] and crystal growth [5]. Much literature has been devoted to investigation of the onset of cell generation instability and the overall behavior of a multilayered system [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]. It has been noted that the interfaces play important roles in the double-diffusive flow field. Actually, the multilayered system is seen to consist of many two-layered systems. For the sake of understanding the transport behavior at the interface, it is necessary to study the two-layered system throughout.A simple model consisting of an interface with a sharp concentration difference separating two fluid layers and with lateral heating and cooling (see Figure 1)