Some Yu.G. Dorofeev’s memoirs about joint work and meetings with outstanding materials science expert G.V. Samsonov are given. Meetings in Yugoslavia were of particular importance where G.V. Samsonov and M.M. Ristićtogether with other worldfamous scientists created the International Institute for the Science of Sintering. In the last years of his life, G.V. Samsonov proposed the concept of sintering activation by additives that act as electron acceptors and additionally contribute to the ionic bond in the matrix material. The paper considers the possibility of using this concept in the development of activating additives that reduce the activation energy of the plastic deformation of iron-based powder materials. Sintering activation when forming stable electronic configurations can be accomplished by: 1) accelerating the grain-boundary heterodiffusion of the matrix material in the presence of phase segregations containing an activating microadditive (W–Ni system); 2) intensifying shrinkage durng the plastic flow of matrix material particles facilitated by diffusion porosity formed in the additive particles as a result of predominant additive atom diffusion into base metal particles (Fe–Ni, Fe–Co, Fe–Mn systems); 3) increasing the self-diffusion coefficient of base metal atoms due to the expanded area of a less close-packed crystal lattice (αphase) upon activating additive dissolution (Fe–Mo system). The article reviews the information available on the prospects for using manganese and chromium as compaction activating additives. The compaction activation energy of iron-based powder materials can be reduced by introducing manganese additives. At the same time, the use of diffusion saturation technology is promising. The question of using chromium as an activator does not have an unambiguous answer and suggests the need for further study.