GABAergic perisoma-inhibiting fast-spiking interneurons (PIIs) effectively control the activity of large neuron populations by their wide axonal arborizations. It is generally assumed that the output of one PII to its target cells is strong and rapid. Here, we show that, unexpectedly, both strength and time course of PII-mediated perisomatic inhibition change with distance between synaptically connected partners in the rodent hippocampus. Synaptic signals become weaker due to lower contact numbers and decay more slowly with distance, very likely resulting from changes in GABA A receptor subunit composition. When distance-dependent synaptic inhibition is introduced to a rhythmically active neuronal network model, randomly driven principal cell assemblies are strongly synchronized by the PIIs, leading to higher precision in principal cell spike times than in a network with uniform synaptic inhibition.interneurons | synaptic transmission | dentate gyrus | basket cell | gamma oscillations G ABAergic parvalbumin (PV)-expressing fast-spiking perisoma-inhibiting interneurons (PIIs) provide powerful synaptic inhibition to large numbers of target cells distributed over several hundred micrometers of cortical space (1-5). Extent and density of their axonal projection together with the perisomatic location of their output synapses close to the site of postsynaptic action potential generation are thought to provide tight control over the activity of target cells. Moreover, PIIs usually interact with other PIIs by reciprocal chemical and electrical synapses, thereby forming interneuron (IN) networks (4, 6, 7), which have been proposed to orchestrate the activity of cortical circuits. PIIs have been shown to receive rapid synaptic excitation (8) and to provide fast, strong, and faithful inhibitory signals to their postsynaptic partners (3,5,6). This fast and reliable signaling phenotype has been hypothesized to support the synchronization of neuronal networks leading to rhythmic activity patterns predominantly in the gamma frequency ranges [30-50 Hz, low gamma; 50-90 Hz, midfrequency gamma; 90-150 Hz, high gamma (7, 9)]. Several lines of evidence indeed indicate that PIIs are critical for the emergence of gamma activity. PIIs discharge at high frequencies tightly phase-locked to gamma cycles in vivo (10-13), they can entrain the activity of large principal cell assemblies (2, 14, 15), and silencing them impairs cortical gamma oscillations (14, 16). Thus, fast-spiking PIIs are generally regarded as a reliably active IN type that paces activity of large principal cell populations by strong and fast uniform inhibition.However, uniformity of PII output signaling has only been assumed and never been tested experimentally. In fact, quantitative analysis of the PII axon morphology shows a gradual decline in axon collateral density with distance from the soma (17-19) frequently interpreted as a reduction in connection probability at larger distances (20, 21), comparable to observations from excitatory glutamatergic neurons in the neo...