Alloy 22 (UNS N06022) is a Ni-Cr-Mo-W alloy highly resistant to localized corrosion. Alloy 22 may be susceptible to crevice corrosion in pure chloride (Cl -) solutions under aggressive environmental conditions. The effect of the fl uoride (F -) over the crevice corrosion induced by chloride ions is still not well established. The objective of the present work was to explore the crevice corrosion resistance of this alloy to different mixtures of fl uorides and chlorides. Cyclic potentiodynamic polarization (CPP) tests were conducted in deaerated aqueous solutions of pure halide ions and in different mixtures of chloride and fl uoride at 90°C and pH 6. The range of chloride concentration [pH, microbial activity, volume of electrolyte, crevice former geometry, crevicing material, etc. Internal factors include 7 the metallurgical condition of the alloy (microstructure), presence of a weld seam, type of annealing, oxide fi lm formed, surface fi nishing, etc. A more detailed discussion regarding this topic can be found elsewhere. 7 Many of the factors listed above, such as chloride concentration, temperature, and inhibitors (namely nitrate and sulfate), have been studied in some detail. 6,[8][9][10][11] The infl uences of other factors still need to be investigated. 7 In particular, the role of halides other than chloride is still not 7,12-17 and will be discussed briefl y in this paper.Meck, et al., did not fi nd crevice corrosion in prismatic Alloy 22 specimens (a variation of the ASTM G5 specimen, 18 which contained an artifi cial crevice formed by a polytetrafl uoroethylene [PTFE] compression gasket) tested in 1 M sodium chloride (NaCl), pH 6 and in 1 M sodium fl uoride (NaF), pH 9 solutions at