This paper is dedicated to Professor W . E. Harris on the occasion of his retirement from the Uniuersity of Alberta B. STANLEY PONS. Can. J. Chem. 59, 1538Chem. 59, (1981. Discretization formulas for the digital simulation of the diffusional processes associated with a variety of electrochemical processes at a spherical electrode are given. The formulas are based on orthogonal collocation techniques. Several mechanisms are represented, and the technique is demonstrated for chronoamperometry, chronopotentiometry, and cyclic voltammetry.B. STANLEY PONS. Can. J. Chem. 59, 1538Chem. 59, (1981. On donne des formules uniques pour la simulation numerique des processus diffusionnels associkes a differentes reactions Clectrochimiques au niveau d'une electrode sphkrique. Les formules sont etablies a partir des techniques de collocation orthogonale. On represente plusieurs mecanismes, et on demontre I'application de cette technique a la chronoampCromttrie, a la chronopotentiometrie e t a la voltametrie cyclique.[Traduit par le journal]Orthogonal collocation techniques for the simulation of second order partial differential equations have been demonstrated for a variety of problems in electrochemistry (1-7), chemical engineering (8-ll), differential scanning calorimetry (12), and other fields (13). The advantages over other methods have been described, but noteworthy is generally increased accuracy for decreased computational effort (1-7).In electrochemical diffusion problems, the algorithms needed to compute concentration profiles, chronopotentiograms, chr~noam~erometric responses, spectrophotometric responses of individual species, cyclic voltammograms, and chronocoulometric responses, all to planar electrode configurations, have been given. This paper deals with some of the same experiments applied to a common configuration, the static spherical electrode (Fig. 1).The programs for solving the equations described herein have been given (7). Basically, the orthogonal collocation technique is implemented by the following steps.(1) Make the Ficks laws equations suitably dimensionless. (2) Discretize the resulting equations at the roots (zeros) of an orthogonal polynomial of suitable symmetry. The resulting set of equations now consists of first order ordinary differential equations. ( 3 ) Integrate the set of simultaneous differential equations to obtain the set of concentration profiles with respect to distance from the electrode surface and with time. (4) Use these concentrations in the suitably discretized equations to obtain the desired electrochemical parameter (current, absorbance, etc.).
ChronoamperometryWe will only consider diffusion on the solution side of the electrode-solution interface. For a chronoamperometric experiment on the simple charge transfer mechanism at a spherical electrode we have the following imposed conditions where R is the distance parameter (radial) from the center of the spherical electrode and r, = the radius of the electrode. Since interpolation methods using orthogonal polynomials are ...