Abstractthe daytime, the protective activity against methacholine during the 12 hours of the Background -Previous studies evaluating monitoring period being constant. Furspirometric values and symptoms have thermore there was no difference in the shown that once daily theophylline admean FEV 1 between the two treatments at ministered in the evening produces greater 14.00 and 20.00 hours. stabilisation of the airway function in asthConclusions -In adults with stable bronmatic patients than the prototype theochial asthma treatment with a single dose phylline given twice a day. The aim of of Diffumal-24 administered in the eventhis study was to compare the effects on ing improved airflow obstruction and rebronchial responsiveness to methacholine duced bronchial hyperresponsiveness. of an ultrasustained release theophylline (Thorax 1997;52:969-974) formulation (Diffumal-24, Malesci, Florence, Italy) administered once a day, a Keywords: theophylline, bronchial hyperresponsivesustained release theophylline formulation ness, bronchial asthma. (Theo-Dur, Recordati, Milan, Italy) administered twice a day, and placebo. Methods -The study was performed in 12 Oral theophylline formulations are widely used adult patients with asthma using a ran-in the treatment of bronchial asthma. During domised, double blind, three phase, cross-the past 10 years increased knowledge of the over design. Each phase lasted seven days pharmacokinetics, availability of theophylline and was followed or preceded by at least assays, and the development of sustained rethree days of theophylline washout. Diffu-lease formulations have led to a safer and more mal-24 was administered once a day at effective use of the drug.1 The therapeutic ad-20.00 hours whereas Theo-Dur was given vantages of sustained release formulations have twice a day at 08.00 hours and 20.00 hours. mainly been attributed to their ability to reduce In each patient the total daily dose of theo-fluctuations in plasma theophylline conphylline was the same during both phases. centrations and, consequently, to keep serum The dose of the two active preparations levels of the xanthine within the narrow therawas titrated to individual needs before the peutic range during the 24 hours.2 For this beginning of the study and then given in reason, slow release theophylline formulations divided or once daily doses. At 08.00, 14.00, given twice a day are theoretically more effectand 20.00 hours on day 7 of each phase ive than the more recently introduced ulserum theophylline concentrations were trasustained release theophylline formulations measured and spirometric tests (FEV 1 ) designed to allow once a day dosing which and bronchial challenge with metha-produce larger fluctuations in serum levels of choline were also performed. the xanthine.