An in vitro pH-cycling experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of fluoride concentration on enamel demineralization and remineralization. Artificial caries lesions were formed in an acid-buffered solution and subjected daily to a 3-hour acid attack, a 5-min immersion in the test NaF solution (0, 1,250, 500, 1,000, 1,750 and 2,500 ppm F), and to 21 h in an artificial saliva. Changes in mineral content were assessed weekly for 5 weeks using microradiography/microdensitometry. The lesions in the control group (0 ppm F) and the 1-ppm F group demineralized. Remineralization was significantly higher in the 500-ppm F group compared to the 250-ppm F group. However, higher fluoride concentrations did not produce any further significant increase in remineralization. Laminations were apparent in lesions subjected to the 250- and 500-ppm F solutions.