Instant krill gruel was produced using peeled Antarctic krill Euphausia superba as a high nutritional ingredient and the food quality was investigated. The food quality of krill gruel was examined by measuring proximate composition, cholesterol, calorie, Hunter color value, total amino acids, fatty acids, fluoride, viscoelastic properties, and by sensory evaluation. The krill gruel had a moisture content of 87% and a pH of 6.65. The krill gruel contained 51 kcal/100 g, and 0.1% fat and 3.5 mg/100 g cholesterol. Its fatty acid composition exhibited high levels of unsaturated fatty acids. The levels of oleic acid and linolenic acid were high, and n-3, n-6, and n-9 fatty acid contents ranged from 1% to 6%. The total amino acid content was 2132 mg/100 g, and the levels of glutamic acid, aspartic acid, leucine, alanine, and arginine were particularly high. Essential amino acids accounted for over 30% of the total amino acids. Fluoride level in the krill gruel was 3.07 mg/kg. The viscoelastic properties of the krill gruel were determined as 6.28 Pa at shear stress of 2.51 Pa. In the recovery test, the elastic restoring force after deformation was low.