The process for the site-controlled formation of tunnel pits with high aspect ratios by anode etching of Al͑100͒ foil is described.Introduction of a small amount of Cu on the Al foil, which has a patterned thin layer of polymers, initiated the uniform development of pits and generated the tunnel pits with sufficiently high aspect ratios. The obtained ordered array of tunnel pits with high aspect ratios will be used for the preparation of several types of functional devices in addition to the improvement of electrolytic capacitors, which use the Al foil with tunnel pits as a surface-enlarged electrode.Formation of tunnel pits on Al by the anisotropic anode etching of Al͑100͒ foils in an electrolyte containing Cl − ions has been widely used for the enlargement of the surface area of electrodes in electrolytic capacitors. 1-10 To maximize the capacitance of the electrolytic capacitors, the size and interval of the tunnel pits must be controlled precisely by considering the operating voltages. 1 In our previous report, we showed the control of the initiation sites of the tunnel pits using a patterned mask composed of a polymer film on Al. 11 In this process, a very thin patterned mask of poly͑chloro-prene͒ rubber ͑CR͒ with the thickness of ϳ200 nm formed on Al can be used to control the initiation of tunnel pits at the initial stage of the anode etching of Al. However, tunnel pits with sufficient depth could not be formed due to the preferential growth of the tunnel pit in the lateral directions. In the present report, we show the process for the formation of tunnel pits with sufficiently high aspect ratios. For the uniform growth of tunnel pits with high aspect ratios, we introduced a small amount of Cu on an Al surface as an initiator for the uniform development of tunnel pits. The uniform development of the pits effectively improved their growth with uniform depth, and yielded the tunnel pits with sufficiently high aspect ratios. The obtained ordered array of tunnel pits on Al prepared by the present process will be used for the fabrication of various types of functional devices in addition to the improvement of the capacitance in electrolytic capacitors. Figure 1 shows the process for the fabrication of highly ordered tunnel pits with high aspect ratios on Al. A patterned mask composed of a polymer film placed on Al with the ͑100͒ plane ͑Ͼ95%͒ was formed using a process reported previously. 11 A thin patterned mask of CR was formed using a poly͑dimethylsiloxane͒ ͑PDMS͒ stamp, which has an ordered hole array. Diameter, depth and interval of holes of the stamp were 1.5, 1.5, and 5.0 m, respectively. Size of the stamp was typically 6 ϫ 6 mm. Before making a patterned mask, an Al foil was electrochemically polished in a mixed solution of perchloric acid and ethanol. Then, a small amount of Cu was formed on the surface of Al by vacuum evaporation or sputtering. The amount of deposited Cu was controlled using a quartz crystal thickness monitor. Electrochemical etching of Al was carried out under a constant-current cond...