Continuous-wave laser action has been achieved in a 2.7 THz quantum cascade device operating on the modes of a two-dimensional photonic crystal resonator. The photonic structure is patterned into the device top metal contact layer. The emission is obtained from the device surface. It is single lobed and highly directional. At cryogenic temperatures the output power is ≃300 mW.Introduction: Since their inception in 2002 [1], advances in long wavelength (60-300 mm) quantum cascade laser (QCL) designs have rapidly established this technology as the leading candidate for compact semiconductor sources of coherent terahertz radiation. While improvements in the design and performance of the QCL active region (AR) have slowed in recent years, leading to a stagnation of the maximum operation temperature T max of 186 K [2], constant refinement of the applied waveguide technology is addressing other important aspects of the device performance, in particular, the quality of the output beam pattern.Currently, the most efficient solution for a terahertz QCL waveguide relies on the tranverse magnetic (TM)-polarised plasmonic modes at the upper and lower interfaces between the dielectric semiconductor AR and metallic contact layers [3,4], in so-called metal -metal waveguides. However, the consequent sub-wavelength vertical light confinement leads to highly divergent output beams from the laser facets [5]. Several strategies have been investigated to achieve more directional light output, in either edge or surface-emitting configurations, while maintaining low threshold current densities (J th ) and high T max [6][7][8]. One such approach is the photonic crystal resonator in which single frequency surface emission can be achieved by patterning the upper metallic contact layer, at the expense of generally slightly higher waveguide losses and thus lower T max compared with standard FabryPerot ridge resonators [9 -11].Continuous-wave (CW) laser operation is dependent on the dissipation of heat through the relatively high thermal resistance material of the QCL device, such that the effective temperature within the AR does not exceed T max . Thus, CW laser action may be promoted not only by improving the heat flow within the device, but also by reducing the J th of a laser, either by refining the AR energy band structure or by enhancing the overall Q factor of the resonator.In this Letter, we implement a refined PhC design which allows CW singlemode laser operation at n ¼ 2.7 THz up to a heatsink temperature of 39 K, whilst maintaining highly directional and monochromatic surface emission. The target application of these devices is local oscillators for heterodyne detection, typically for astronomic detection applications [12], where cryogenic operation and hundreds of mW of output power are acceptable performance constraints. Fig. 1 Typical emission spectra of lasers under CW operation. Measurements performed at T ¼ 20 K, with Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (resolution: 0.125 cm 21 ) and DTGS detector Inset: Surface view of ...