Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy.Signature was redacted for privacy. The Future Farmers of America (FFA), a national organization of, by, and for students enrolled in vocational agriculture, has been instrumental in the fulfilling of these objectives. Through this organization an important part of the total instructional program in agricultural education is carried out. FFA can serve as one of a number 2 of teaching outlets used by an instructor to motivate, guide, and discipline the overall education of vocational agriculture students.
ilTo further explain the role of FFA in vocational agriculture, H. N.Hunsicker, past national FFA advisor, stated:Basic in vocational agriculture is the understanding that FFA beyond a shadow of a doubt is a school laboratory to be used by professional personnel for involving students in group activities -activities that provide essential prerequisites for successful employment and relationship to other co-workers and employers. It is the school laboratory that develops self esteem, self confidence, purpose, objectivity and motivates students to excel in their instruction, their work experience and their future career. The teacher will Involve each and every student in FFA because it is a teaching tool comparable to other agricultural teaching facilities at that school, such as greenhouses, shops, nurseries and forests (Hunsicker, 1977, p. 171).Acceptance of the role of FFA as a "teaching tool" in vocational agriculture has grown from early educational theories. John Dewey (1913) stated that vocational guidance enthusiasts should modify school programs by providing opportunities for students to have study experiences in the out-of-school environment.Dewey believed vocational education should not be limited to the development of specific skills and technical knowledge, but also should include opportunities for the development of the social aspects of the learner. Damann (1980) found evidence in his research which indicated that the FFA can provide opportunities for meeting the need described by Dewey. Damann concluded that the FFA is a useful vehicle for pre paring students for their role in society.Student organizations are an integral part of today's vocational education. Moody (1974) stated membership in an organization offers 3 a means of working toward personal goals, as well as security, recognition, and an opportunity to respond to worthwhile challenges.Altman (1977) concurred that FFA is important to students, and the benefits are useful throughout life.Byers (1977, p. 226) concluded "that since its inception, the FFA has been used by teachers of agriculture ... to motivate students to study and develop competencies in agriculture." Vocational agri culture instructors have seen the results of FFA as expressed in the following statement by Jensen:I like to think of leadership training (FFA) as providing opportunities for students to extend themselves into experiences which will bring out the best of their abilities. Too often stude...