Strategies to improve the nutritive value of whole-plant corn silage in diets for finishing beef cattle / Juliana Machado. --versão revisada de acordo com a Resolução CoPGr 6018 de 2011. --Piracicaba, 2022.
p.Tese (Doutorado) --USP / Escola Superior de Agricultura "Luiz de Queiroz".1. Colhedora de forragem 2. Cobertura do silo 3. Desempenho animal 4. Filme de vedação I. Título
ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTo God, for giving meaning to my life, guiding me along good paths and never letting me give up in difficult moments.To my parents, Marco Antonio and Natalia, for being my example of a human beings, for all their support and irrefutable love. They always motivated me to follow my dreams and to be the best version of myself.To my brother, Julio Cesar, for all the support.To Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture, for providing an excellent structure for the development of research.To my advisor, Prof. Dr. Luiz Gustavo Nussio, for supervising and supporting the projects, and for all the professional and personal growth that his guidance provided.To Prof. Dr. Arlindo Saran Netto, for his collaboration and support in conducting these projects.