Summary1. The protein composition of bovine platelet extracts has been investigated by immunoelectrophoresis and polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis. The information obtained is discussed as a basis for study on platelet fibrinogen.2. With antiserum to platelet proteins 11 precipitin lines were observed 3 of which corresponded electrophoretically to plasma albumin, fibrinogen and γ-globulin. These lines were not seen using the same antiserum absorbed with bovine plasma. The 8 additional lines were still present indicating that they represented specific platelet components. Antiserum to plasma produced the 3 above-mentioned lines, but no others.3. With antiserum to purified bovine plasma fibrinogen 3 precipitin lines were observed. The fibrinogen line was the dominant one. The 2 additional lines did not disappear by absorption of the antiserum with bovine serum nor by incubation of the extracts with thrombin. The latter treatment totally removed the fibrinogen line.4. A non-fibrinogen precipitin line, observed only with the antiserum to platelet extract and positioned in the β2-globulin region, disappeared by the incubation of platelet extracts with thrombin.