The rapid refolding dynamics of apomyoglobin are followed by a new temperature-jump fluorescence technique on a 15-ns to 0.
EXPERIMENTAL METHODSOutline. The heart of the experiment is shown in Fig. 1 Heating and Sample Cell. The sample is held in a custom 0.4-mm path length-fused silica cell (Fig. 1) cooled by two thermoelectric devices. The temperature is held constant to <0.2°C by a thermistor feedback loop. Two -120-mJ, 1.54-,um infrared beams are generated by Raman shifting a 700-mJ neodymium:yttrium/aluminum-garnet laser in a modeoptimized high-efficiency methane cell, resulting in uniform, near-gaussian heating profiles of 2-mm diameter. The counterpropagating beams are delayed by 8 ns from one another to avoid transient grating formation, and heating (by OH overtone relaxation in water) is completed within the pulse duration due to picosecond vibrational equilibration. The two mirror-image exponential absorption profiles add up to a longitudinal temperature uniformity of ¹3% over the length of the cell, and the large uniform pump profile minimizes thermal lensing and diffusion effects. The T-jump is measured by transmission of a 1.5-,Lm diode laser focused to <400 tLm Abbreviations: T-jump, temperature jump; Mb, myoglobin; apoMb, apomyoglobin; h-apoMb, horse apoMb.