ABSTRACT. Although the mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effects of chronic renal insufficiency on growth are poorly understood, large doses of growth hormone (GH) have been used to improve growth. The present study examines the effects of rat G H and a reduced (8%) protein diet on 75% nephrectomized weanling rats by measuring changes in growth parameters, food utilization, serum albumin concentration, and muscle water content. Significantly greater improvement in growth was found in the GH-treated uremic rats compared with the uremic controls. The mean percent change in wt, length (nose to tail tip), and cranial biparietal diameter was significantly increased in the GH-treated uremic rats, compared with the uremic controls, but foot length and femur length showed only moderate improvement. Food utilization efficiency and serum albumin concentration were significantly higher in GH-treated uremic rats compared with uremic controls, achieving levels that were not different from sham-operated rats. Muscle water content was not significantly different between GH-treated uremic rats, uremic controls, and sham-operated rats. Thus, rat G H treatment administered a t an early age in mild renal insufficiency significantly improved overall growth, food efficiency, and serum albumin concentrations, despite a low protein diet, suggesting that further evaluation of this form of therapy for growth failure of uremia is warranted. (Pediatr Res 26:204-207, 1989) Abbreviations GH, growth hormone U, uremic control group U + GH, uremic rats treated with growth hormone Growth failure is a major complication of chronic renal insufficiency in children. Adult stature is usually far below that expected for a child's genetic potential, even with adequate dialysis, treatment of acidosis, administration of phosphate binders, nutritional counseling, and supplemental vitamin D ( 1 , 2). Similar findings have been noted in other animal models of chronic renal insufficiency (3)(4)(5). Disturbances in the growth hormone/somatomedin system have been implicated in the etiology of the reduced growth rates of children with renal insuffi- Received February 6, 1989; accepted May 8, 1989. Correspondence Dr. James C. M. Chan, Medical College of Virginia, 1101 E. Marshall St., Richmond, VA 23219.ciency (6, 7 ) ; however, the mechanisms remain unclear. The recent availability of large quantities of recombinant human growth hormone (8) may open new avenues for the treatment of growth retardation in uremic children. Preliminary data suggest that large doses of recombinant growth hormone can improve growth in uremic children (9).Large doses of heterologous growth hormone have been used to overcome the inhibitory effect of uremia on growth in fivesixths nephrectomized rats fed 22-24% protein diets (10, 1 1 ) . With respect to the current concerns regarding the role of high protein intake in the progression of renal damage, the present study was designed to examine the effects of parenteral rat G H in rapidly growing weanling rats with mild chronic ren...