We investigate the medium modifications of the masses of pseudoscalar open charm (D and D¯) mesons and the charmonium state [ψ(3770)] in hot isospin asymmetric strange hadronic medium in the presence of an external magnetic field within a chiral effective model. The in-medium partial decay widths of ψ(3770) to charged and neutral DD¯ mesons are computed from the medium modifications of the masses of the initial and final state mesons. These are computed using two light quark pair creation models—(I) the P03 model and (II) a field theoretical (FT) model of composite hadrons with quark (and antiquark) constituents. The production cross sections of ψ(3770), arising from scattering of the D and D¯ mesons, are computed from the relativistic Breit-Wigner spectral function expressed in terms of the in-medium masses and the decay widths of the charmonium state. The effects of the magnetic field are considered due to the Dirac sea (DS) of the baryons, the mixing of the pseudoscalar (S=0) and vector (S=1) meson (PV mixing), the Landau level contributions for the charged hadrons. The anomalous magnetic moments (AMMs) of the baryons are also taken into account in the present study. For magnetized nuclear matter, at ρB=ρ0, the effect of Dirac sea leads to inverse magnetic catalysis (IMC), which is drop of the magnitude of the light quark condensates (proportional to the scalar fields) with increase in the magnetic field, contrary to the opposite effect of magnetic catalysis (MC) at ρB=0. The inclusion of hyperons to the nuclear medium is observed to lead to magnetic catalysis. There are observed to be significant effects from the DS and PV mixing on the properties of the charm mesons. The production cross sections of ψ(3770) arising due to scattering of D+D−(D0D¯0) mesons in the hot magnetized strange hadronic matter are observed to have distinct peak positions, when the magnetic field is large. This is because the production cross sections have contributions from the transverse as well as longitudinal components of ψ(3770), which have nondegenerate masses due to PV [ψ(3770)−ηc′] mixing. These can have observable consequences on the dilepton spectra as well as on the production of the charm mesons in ultrarelativistic peripheral heavy ion collision experiments, where the produced magnetic field is huge.
Published by the American Physical Society