DOI: 10.4319/lo.2013.58.5.1761
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Effect of vitamins B1 and B12 on bloom dynamics of the harmful brown tide alga, Aureococcus anophagefferens (Pelagophyceae)

Abstract: Most harmful algae require B vitamins. We investigated vitamin use by the B 1 and B 12 auxotroph, Aureococcus anophagefferens, a harmful alga that dominates plankton communities during dense ''brown tides'' in North America, Africa, and Asia. B 12 -depleted cultures of A. anophagefferens (clone CCMP1984) adapted to lower ambient B 12 concentrations by reducing half-saturation constants (K s ) of B 12 uptake and increasing maximum uptake rates (V max ) compared to vitamin-replete cultures. In contrast, V max of… Show more

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Cited by 36 publications
(37 citation statements)
References 54 publications
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“…A series of recent studies have demonstrated that the growth of phytoplankton can be strongly dependent on vitamin B 12 production by bacteria (Croft et al ; Kazamia et al ). Further, ecosystem‐based studies have shown that HABs can be promoted by high levels of B‐vitamins (Koch et al ) and recent culture studies have demonstrated that 91% of dinoflagellates surveyed ( n = 45) required an exogenous source of vitamin B 12 (Tang et al ). This study, however, found that D. acuminata cultures were not affected by the addition of vitamin B 12 with or without M. rubrum present.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A series of recent studies have demonstrated that the growth of phytoplankton can be strongly dependent on vitamin B 12 production by bacteria (Croft et al ; Kazamia et al ). Further, ecosystem‐based studies have shown that HABs can be promoted by high levels of B‐vitamins (Koch et al ) and recent culture studies have demonstrated that 91% of dinoflagellates surveyed ( n = 45) required an exogenous source of vitamin B 12 (Tang et al ). This study, however, found that D. acuminata cultures were not affected by the addition of vitamin B 12 with or without M. rubrum present.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Partly as a result of this difference in distribution, A. anophagefferens has been studied far more extensively than A. lagunensis (7,24,27,(32)(33)(34)(35)(36). However, the recent expansion of A. lagunensis from Texas to Florida's East Coast and now Cuba has begun to generate renewed interest in this brown tide species (15,37).…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…In each instance, the region where antibodylabeled A. lagunensis typically appeared within the flow cytometric images was gated within the imaging software, particles inside the gated region were quantified, and the detection limit of the method was defined as 3ϫ the standard deviation of these counts (25). The efficacy of this method compared to those of other quantification methods was established by preserving replicates of an A. lagunensis culture (Florida isolate) with 1% (final concentration) glutaraldehyde, as described above, and analyzing them in parallel on a Beckman Coulter Multisizer 3 Coulter counter with a 50-m aperture (23,24), under a light microscope by using a hemocytometer and by using the immunoassay on a flow cytometer as described above. For the light microscope counts, a minimum of 200 organisms or 100 grids were counted per sample (26).…”
Section: Methodsmentioning
confidence: 99%
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