Functional activities of mango peel extract (MPE) and mangiferin were investigated using hypercholesterolemic and diabetic rats. The liver functioning tests resulted that the aspartate aminotransferase levels suppressed 9. 16% and 16. 53% by MPE and mangiferin, respectively, in the disease rats. The kidney functioning tests resulted that abnormally high creatinine levels in diabetic rats were suppressed 6. 19% and 4. 12% by MPE and mangiferin, respectively. Hematological aspects were examined by measuring the levels of red blood cell, hemoglobin, hematocrit and MCV. Mangiferin exhibited the highest effect to the hemoglobin levels both in hypercholesterolemic rats and diabetic rats. The white blood cell (WBC) aspects were examined by determining the levels of WBC, neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes. MPE and mangiferin reduced the levels of WBC in the disease rats, whereas the levels of other three indices showed only slight WBC reduction. MPE and mangiferin improved the Na, K and Ca balance in the disease rats. Mango peel containing mangiferin can be used for the development of functional foods and beverages.
Citation:El-Ghorab, A., et al. Evaluation of Functional Profiles of Mango Peel Extract and Its Major Component, Mangiferin in Hypercholesterolemic and Diabetic Rats. (2017) J Food Nutr Sci 4(1): 13-22. El-Ghorab, A., et al.
Electrolytes balanceThe Na, K and Ca in the samples were determined by the previously reported method [17] using a KHE-5-automatic electrolyte analyzer (Jinan Kinghawk Technology Co.; Ltd.; Jinan, China).
Statistical analysisThe data obtained in the present study were subjected to statistical analysis using completely randomized design (CRD) through statistical software Cohort version 6. 1 (Co Stat, 2003). Furthermore, analysis of variance (ANOVA) technique was applied to determine the level of significance [18] .
Results and Discussion
Liver functioning testsIn study I (trial 1and 2) (Figure 2), the recorded AST values for T 0 , T 1 and T 2 were 109. 05 ± 6. 32 and 104. 42 ± 7. 43, 103. 25 ± 7. 82 and 100. 62 ± 7. 02 and 105. 15 ± 7. 72 and 101.