The pa per pres ents the data on an Eemian-Late Gla cial sed i men tary se quence from the Zwierzyniec site, cen tral Po land. A num ber of bore holes doc u ment one or two or ganic lay ers that oc cur be neath one or two ho ri zons of clayey and silty de pos its of ice-dammed lakes. This study dem on strates to which ex tent the Zwierzyniec site can con trib ute to a better un der stand ing of the palaeoenvironmental changes dur ing the Eemian-Vistulian time-frame in cen tral Po land. To study it, a multi-proxy approach was ap plied, in volv ing: palynological and plant macrofossil anal y sis, study of round ing of quartz grains and mor phology of their sur face, and in ves ti ga tions of sand min er al ogy and till pe trog ra phy. The re sults show that a till bed is over lain by a sandy se ries cor re spond ing to the gla cial-inter gla cial tran si tion. Ei ther one or two dis tinct peaks of or ganic ac cu mu la tion are ev i denced by peat ho ri zons. The lower ho ri zon re cords spec tra with ha zel and horn beam, and did, there fore, ac cu mu late in the Eemian. Ob served only in some bore holes, the up per peat ho ri zon marks the BrÝrup (or the lower part of the Rederstall stadial) rep re sented by for est-steppe con di tions with patchy mo sa ics of larch and fur ther tran si tion into sedges and her baceous taxa. Lo cal ized in be tween the two peat se quences, the sandy ho ri zon marks a long-last ing ae olian trans for ma tion with weath er ing by frost in the Early Vistulian. Again, sig nif i cant changes of the palaeoenvironmental re gime oc curred, and are man i fested in the one or two ho ri zons of the glaciolacustrine sed i ments. This cor re sponded to the last gla ci ation in the region, when the ice-dammed lakes formed dur ing the Main Stadial.