Field experiments were carried out during summer seasons of 2017 and 2018 to study the effect of preceding (Rice-Okra) crops herbicide residue on weed, growth, yield and economics of succeeding blackgram. Residual effect of butachlor at 1.25 kg/ha on 3 days after transplanting (DAT) fb hand weeding (HW) on 40 DAT imposed in the first season rice crop and followed by hand weeding (HW) twice at 20 and 40 days after sowing (DAS) (T6) in okra and blackgram significantly influenced the reduction of weed dry weight accumulation by 8.75 and 7.44 times in mainland and island ecosystem, respectively at 20 DAS. The same treatment recorded the highest weed control efficiency (WCE) of 88.6, 86.5 and 86.2, 80.7 % observed at 20 and 40 DAS under mainland and island ecosystem, respectively. Among, the weed control treatments, residual effect of butachlor at 1.25 kg/ha on 3 DAT fb HW on 40 DAT to rice and HW twice at 20 and 40 DAS (T6) to okra and blackgram has recorded 64.8 and 65.0% higher seed yield of blackgram under main and island ecosystem, respectively.