The psychological satisfaction of the textile customer is the fi rst criteria used to evaluate clothing and a lack of aesthetics, while fashionability and physical appearance contribute to the psychological discomfort of users. Either inherently or due to processing, cotton cloths demonstrate diff erent psychological comfort behaviours. Manufacturers must therefore produce fabrics with optimum psychological comfort parameters. The objective of this research was to study the eff ect of cotton yarn parameters on the psychological comfort properties of woven fabrics. Four woven fabrics were produced from cotton yarns with diff erent yarn twists, yarn counts, strengths and yarn elongations. Psychological comfort parameters such as wrinkle, drape, crease, bending modules and fl exural rigidity were measured and analysed in accordance with the ES ISO 9867, ISO 9073-9, ES ISO 2313 and ASTM D1388-18 standards, respectively. Multiple regression equations were developed to predict the comfort properties of clothing in relation to yarn parameters. A statistical analysis showed that the wrinkle recovery and drapeability of fabrics were signifi cantly aff ected by yarn twist, count and tenacity, and the elongation of yarns. However, yarn twist, count, tenacity and elongation had an insignifi cant eff ect on the crease recovery of woven samples at an F-value of 3.546 and a P-value of 0.069. The stiff ness properties of the fabrics such as fl exural rigidity and bending modules also showed insignificant diff erence between samples at F = 38487.969, P = 0.057 and F = 25.506, P = 0.055 respectively. A multiple regression analysis showed a positive correlation between yarn parameters (factors) and response, with Adj. R 2 of 0.0998, Adj. R 2 of 0.975 and Adj. R 2 of 1 for crease recovery, wrinkle recovery and drape coeffi cient, respectively. The equations developed are helpful to fabric manufacturers in sourcing yarns with specifi c parameters to produce the desired comfort level in a fabric.Izvleček Psihološko zadovoljstvo kupca s tekstilijo je prvi kriterij ocenjevanja oblačila, pri čemer pomanjkanje estetike, modnosti in fi zičnega videza vplivajo na psihološko neudobje uporabnika oblačila. Bombažna tekstilija izkazuje sama ali zaradi obdelav različne psihološke odzive. Proizvajalci morajo zato izdelovati tekstilije z optimalnimi parametri psihološkega udobja. Namen raziskave je bil preučiti vpliv parametrov bombažne preje na psihološke lastnosti udob ja tkanin. Štiri tkanine so bile izdelane iz bombažnih prej z različnim vitjem, dolžinsko maso, trdnostjo in raztez kom. Parametri psihološkega udobja, kot so gube, drapiranje, zmečkanost, upogibni modul in upogibna togost, so bili izmerjeni in analizirani v skladu s standardi ES ISO 9867, ISO 9073-9, ES ISO 2313