In the present study, on the basis of a verified model, the effects of geometrical and operational variables on the welding distortion of dissimilar joints were investigated. Then, considering the welding current, the fixing time and the sequence of the welding operation, the magnitude of the welding deformation was minimized. The results showed that in the studied dissimilar joint between carbon steel and stainless steel, the minimum distortion occurred when the welding current was about 95 A, the fixing time was 120 s and the symmetric layout was used. Keywords: minimization, welding distortion, dissimilar joint, welding variables V tej {tudiji je bil preiskovan s preizku{enim modelom vpliv geometrijskih in procesnih spremenljivk na popa~enje oblike pri varjenju razli~nih materialov. Obseg deformacije pri varjenju je bil zmanj{an z upo{tevanjem varilnega toka, dolo~itvi~asa in zaporedja varilskih operacij. Rezultati pri {tudiju varjenja ogljikovega in nerjavnega jekla so pokazali, da je najmanj{e popa~enje oblike dose`eno pri varilnem toku okrog 95 A,~asu 120 s in simetri~ni izvedbi varjenja. Klju~ne besede: zmanj{anje, popa~enje oblike pri varjenju, spajanje razli~nih materialov, spremenljivke pri varjenju