Charmed nuclei are investigated utilizing ΛcN and ΣcN interactions that have been extrapolated from lattice QCD simulations at unphysical masses of mπ = 410-570 MeV to the physical point using chiral effective field theory as guideline. Calculations of the energies of Λc single-particle bound states for various charmed nuclei from 5Λc Li to 209 Λc Bi are performed using a perturbative many-body approach. This approach allows one to determine the finite nuclei Λc self-energy from which the energies of the different bound states can be obtained. Though the ΛcN interaction inferred from the lattice results is only moderately attractive, it supports the existence of charmed nuclei. Already the lightest nucleus considered is found to be bound. The spin-orbit splitting of the p-and d-wave states turns out to be small, as in the case of single Λ hypernuclei. Additional calculations based on the Faddeev-Yakubovsky equations suggest that also A = 4 systems involving a Λc baryon are likely to be bound, but exclude a bound 3 Λc He state.