This thesis focuses on interventional aspects of spasticity, but has a very holistic approach, grounded in the specialty of Rehabilitation medicine. This means capturing the effects of spasticity, on such a complex biological system as the human being, living in a psychosocial context affecting the situation. When evaluating spasticity there are a number of levels of evidence. The first of course, understanding what we mean with spasticity, where there unfortunately is no consensus. The second level is to study if our treatments affect spasticity in a positive direction. The third is to grasp if a decrease in spasticity improve or normalize patient's movement patterns. The fourth level investigates if improvement in movement patterns improve patient's ability to perform activities; and the fifth level, comprising whether this intervention improves life satisfaction. Finally, on a societal level, we wish to investigate whether the improvement in life satisfaction or health related quality of life would motivate society to fund the intervention. Paper I on Goal Attainment Scaling pointed out necessary aspects to consider when using this instrument. This relates, among other things, to the need of learning ("the art of") goal setting and deciding the purpose of the measurements. Research and clinical use puts different demands on the instrument, for the latter time-efficiency and simplicity to use being most important. For research, it is important to be able to register deterioration, and this can be achieved using the 6-step version.