(minimum manure treatment percentage), 55% for the region 'East', 62% the region 'South', and 47% for the whole of the Netherlands. Changes in the assumptions about manure production and the manure input ratio (the ratio of actual manure input, in kg phosphate, to the average total permitted phosphate input) have a large effect on the manure treatment percentages for region East (34-75%), region South (39-82%) and for the Netherlands as a whole (30-60%). Implementation of the Responsible Growth of Dairy Farming Act (Wet Verantwoorde groei melkveehouderij) in combination with the Order in Council on 'land-based growth of dairy farming' leads to figure for the total amount of dairy farm manure (in kg phosphate) to be treated of 5.1 million kg phosphate. In consultation with the agricultural organizations the Minister for LNV determines the manure treatment percentages per region.