The bare one loop soliton quantum mass corrections can be expressed in two ways: as a sum over the zero-point energies of small oscillations around the classical configuration, or equivalently as the (Euclidean) effective action per unit time. In order to regularize the bare one loop quantum corrections (expressed as the sum over the zero-point energies) we subtract and add from it the tadpole graph that appear in the expansion of the effective action per unit time. The subtraction renders the one loop quantum corrections finite. Next, we use the renormalization prescription that the added tadpole graph cancels with adequate counterterms, obtaining in this way a finite unambiguous expression for the one loop soliton quantum mass corrections. When we apply the method to the solitons of the sine-Gordon and φ 4 kink models we obtain results that agree with known results. Finally we apply the method to compute the soliton quantum mass corrections in the recently introduced φ 2 cos 2 ln(φ 2 ) model. PACS number(s): 11.10. Gh, 11.15.Kc, 11.27.+d A renewed interest in the computation of quantum energies around classical configurations has recently arose. See for example [1][2][3][4][5][6][7] and references therein. The methods used to approach the problem include the derivative expanssion method [1], the scattering phase shift technique [2], the mode regularization method [4], the zeta-function regularization technique [5] and also the dimensional regularization method [7]. In this letter I will give a very simple derivation of the one loop renormalized soliton quantum mass correction in 1+1 dimensional scalar field theory models, using the scattering phase shift technique. The approach used here differ from those given in Ref. [2]. Consequently, it is obtained a formula, Eq. (19), that at first sight is different from the one obtained in Ref. [2].Let us start with a Lagrangean densitywhere µ = 0, 1. When U (φ) has at least two degenerate trivial vacua the classical equation of motion admits static finite energy solutions φ c . These solutions are called solitons [9]. After quantizing around one of these static solutions, it is showed that there is a quantum state corresponding to this static solution. This state is called the soliton quantum state [10]. The soliton quantum state behaves as a particle and in particular, the first contribution different from zero to their mass is given by the (classical) energy of the static solution. The one loop (bare) soliton quantum mass correction is given by