For several computational problems in homotopy theory, we obtain algorithms with running time polynomial in the input size. In particular, for every fixed k ≥ 2, there is a polynomial-time algorithm that, for a 1-connected topological space X given as a finite simplicial complex, or more generally, as a simplicial set with polynomial-time homology, computes the kth homotopy group π k (X), as well as the first k stages of a Postnikov system of X. Combined with results of an earlier paper, this yields a polynomial-time computation of [X, Y ], i.e., all homotopy classes of continuous mappings X → Y , under the assumption that Y is (k−1)-connected and dim X ≤ 2k − 2. We also obtain a polynomial-time solution of the extension problem, where the input consists of finite simplicial complexes X, Y , where Y is (k−1)-connected and dim X ≤ 2k − 1, plus a subspace A ⊆ X and a (simplicial) map f : A → Y , and the question is the extendability of f to all of X.The algorithms are based on the notion of a simplicial set with polynomial-time homology, which is an enhancement of the notion of a simplicial set with effective homology developed earlier by Sergeraert and his co-workers. Our polynomial-time algorithms are obtained by showing that simplicial sets with polynomial-time homology are closed under various operations, most notably, Cartesian products, twisted Cartesian products, and classifying space. One of the key components is also polynomial-time homology for the Eilenberg-MacLane space K(Z, 1), provided in another recent paper by Krčál, Matoušek, and Sergeraert.