Recently extended precise numerical methods and droplet scaling arguments allow for a coherent picture of the glassy states of two-dimensional Ising spin glasses to be assembled. The length scale at which entropy becomes important and produces "chaos", the extreme sensitivity of the state to temperature, is found to depend on the type of randomness. For the ±J model this length scale dominates the low-temperature specific heat. Although there is a type of universality, some critical exponents do depend on the distribution of disorder.PACS numbers: 75.10. Nr, Glassy systems, characterized by extremely slow relaxation and resultant complex hysteresis and memory effects, are difficult to study because their dynamics encompass a great range of time scales [1]. Glassy materials include those without intrinsic disorder, such as silica glass, and those where quenched disorder influences the active degrees of freedom. An example of a model of the latter is the Edwards-Anderson spin glass model [2], which includes the disorder and frustration necessary to capture many of the complex behaviors seen in disordered magnetic materials. Though this prototypical model of glassy behavior was originally proposed well over 30 years ago, many aspects of it remain poorly understood. The droplet and replica-symmetry-breaking pictures of spin glasses provide distinct views of spin glass behavior [3]. Analytical results are rare, so numerical approaches are invaluable for both testing and motivating new ideas. But the numerics are also exceedingly difficult: computing spin glass ground states is in general a NP-hard problem [4]. It is believed that these classes of problems require exponential computational time to solve exactly [5].A fortunate special case which is not prone to this computational intractability is the two-dimensional Ising spin glass (2DISG). The Hamiltonian is H = ij J ij s i s j , where the couplings J = {J ij } are independent random variables coupling classical spins s = ±1 at sites i,j on a square toroidal grid with L 2 sites. The randomness of the sign of J ij leads to competing interactions, not all of which can be satisfied. In general, such models have complex (free) energy landscapes and very slow dynamics. The most commonly-used distributions for the J ij are the ±J distribution where each bond value is ±1 with equal probability, or the Gaussian distribution where the J ij are chosen from a univariate Gaussian distribution with zero mean. One apparent difficulty in using the 2DISG as a model system is that truly long-range spinglass order only occurs at zero temperature. However, at low enough temperature such that the correlation length ξ exceeds L one can study a regime of glassy behavior.In this glassy regime, the dominant spin configurations are very sensitive at large length scales to small changes in temperature or other global perturbations: this sensitivity is referred to as "chaos".Highly developed numerical algorithms [4,[6][7][8][9] can efficiently circumvent the complexity due to disorder and fr...