The Hanford External Dosimetry Program (HEDP) provides support to the U.S. Department of Energy's Richland Operations Office (RL), Office of River Protection (ORP), Pacific Northwest Site Office (PNSO), and DOE contractor radiation protection organizations in determining doses-of-record from external sources of radiation. The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) (a) administers the HEDP in coordination with Hanford contractor radiation protection organizations to ensure consistent site-wide implementation of external dosimetry practices for Hanford workers and visitors. Coordination of dosimetry practices at Hanford is accomplished through the Hanford Personnel Dosimetry Advisory Committee (HPDAC). Technical services provided by the HEDP include personnel, area, nuclear accident, and environmental dosimetry capabilities that comply with DOE requirements in 10 CFR 835 Occupational Radiation Protection (DOE 2007a), DOE/EH