Non-linear properties of quantum states, such as entropy or entanglement, quantify important physical resources and are frequently used in quantum information science. They are usually calculated from a full description of a quantum state, even though they depend only on a small number parameters that specify the state. Here we extract a non-local and a non-linear quantity, namely the Renyi entropy, from local measurements on two pairs of polarization entangled photons. We also introduce a "phase marking" technique which allows to select uncorrupted outcomes even with non-deterministic sources of entangled photons. We use our experimental data to demonstrate the violation of entropic inequalities. They are examples of a non-linear entanglement witnesses and their power exceeds all linear tests for quantum entanglement based on all possible Bell-CHSH inequalities.
PACS numbers:Many interesting properties of composite quantum systems, such as entanglement or entropy, are not measured directly but are inferred, usually from a full specification of a quantum state represented by a density operator. However, it is interesting to note that some of these properties can be measured in the same way we measure and estimate average values of observables. Here we illustrate this by extracting a non-local quantity, the Renyi entropy of the composite system, from local measurements on two pairs of polarization entangled photons. This quantity is a non-linear function of the density operator. We then use our experimental data to demonstrate the violation of entropic inequalities, which can be also interpreted as the experimental demonstration of a non-linear entanglement witness.Consider a source which generates pairs of photons. The photons in each pair fly apart from each other to two distant locations A and B. Let us assume that the polarization of each pair is described by some density operator ̺, which is unknown to us. Following Schrödinger's remarks on relations between the information content of the total system and its sub-systems [1], it has been proven that for separable states global von Neumann entropy is always not less then local ones [2]. Subsequently a number of entropic inequalities have been derived, satisfied by all separable states [3,4,5,6]. The simplest one is based on the Renyi entropy, or the purity measure, Tr (̺ 2 ) and can be rewritten aswhere ̺ A and ̺ B are the reduced density operators pertaining to individual photons. The inequalities (1) involve non-linear functions of density operators and are known to be stronger than all Bell-CHSH inequalities [3,7]. There are entangled states which are not and S2 emit pairs of polarization-entangled photons. The entangled pairs are emitted into spatial modes 1 and 3, and 2 and 4. One photon from each pair is directed into location A and the other into location B. At the two locations photons impinge on beam-splitters and are then detected by photodetectors. There are four possible outcomes in this experiment: coalescence at A and coalescence at B, coalescen...